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Deb Coolidge over 1 year ago

Tue, Jan 31 at 7:00 AM

Good Morning,

We are so proud of the young people that we are raising... they are a great group of kids. We have some issues to talk about.


We need to a head count for Homer on March, if there are some conflicts I am sure that we can find someone to take your kid I can take a couple of kids. We need at least 2 lines (we would like the whole team but that sounds impossible) so that is 11 kids including the goalie. I need to get a head count for people that can go. Please email me with your response. Please do not reply to this email but create a new email and on the subject line use the moniker U14 Wood Homer trip March17,18,19. this is the only date that Homer gave us.

Just a heads up for the parents, the coaches and I go through a background check through USA Hockey. All of us that are in the locker room have to have this designation to protect the kids. Just wanted to reassure you all.


The end of the season is coming fast

Deb Coolidge over 1 year ago

Good Morning Everyone,

Sorry for the snafu last weekend due to the miscommunication. I have a few items that need discussion. Latent Pizza Party, Homer, socks, we owe AHA and game day tomorrow.

We would like to have another pizza party for the team at someone’s house. Coach is wanting us to get together to celebrate the wins and first goals. I am hoping someone has the space to host sometime in the very near future! I would host but am in a small duplex.

We are tentatively scheduled for Homer Feb 24-26 for I am hoping for 3 games. I have yet to hear back from the Homer team for confirmation. I am blocking out rooms at Lands End. They do have a condo sort of room that can sleep 6 for 169, port rooms with 2 double beds for 75 and port bay rooms for 95 with 2 double beds. I have reserved 20 but was trying to hash out if there is more needed. Please let me know.

Socks are finally in, I gave some out last week and will distribute them again at the UAA game tomorrow. As usual game

Deb Coolidge over 1 year ago

We have another game at 830-930 at the Park Strip 10th and E street we have to cover the time clock, scoresheet and penalty box. Thank you Malia for bringing this to my attention.

Deb Coolidge over 1 year ago

Hey guys we need to get some volunteers for the last two games... I hate to assign people and find they cannot cover so please step up prior to my assigning jobs. If I dont have this filled by the end of day tomorrow I will have to assign positions.

12/14/22 7-8PM Score, clock and penalty Mulcahy South Wood Vs Jr Avalance
Emily Waters and Heather Jacox has graciously agreed to the clock and scoresheet (Thank you) Charles Willoughby for the penalty box

12/16/22 2:30-3:30 Score clock and penalty Mulcahy South Wood Vs AHA Engle
Meghan Rothermel and Shawn Briscoe has the clock or the scoresheet we need one for the penalty box

12/16/22 6:30-7:30 Score and Penalty Mulcahy Norht Avalanche Vs Gomes

12/17/22 1-2 Score clock and penalty Park Strip Gomez Vs Wood

Just wanted to give all a heads up as well... they championship game is Sunday

Deb Coolidge over 1 year ago

Good Morning Everyone,

Game day today! We are away so dark jerseys. Please have your player there an hour early and remember the parent meeting after the game today on the west side of BB2. Looking forward to seeing everyone.


Deb Coolidge over 1 year ago

Good Morning Everyone,

Sounds like it was a good game yesterday. I am so proud of all the players they are growing into excellent teens. I am so thankful for the welcoming to Chloe by all her teammates though she is very undeveloped and sometimes she gets frustrated.

Pizza Party November

Next weekend we will have a pizza party at the Roy's house. They are so generous to allow 20 teens to come to their house.

November 19, four o'clock-? At the Roy's 3524 W 73rd Ave Anchorage Alaska 99502

Have a great rest of your weekend...

Deb Coolidge over 1 year ago

Good Morning!

Pizza Party!
Coach Wood and Coach Carey would like to have a pizza party for the kids to celebrate a short handed goal last weekend. If someone can volunteer their family room for this event it would be appreciated.

Tukey Shootout...
We are needing to put together a couple of baskets for the silent auction at the Turkey Shoutout. I still have the movie tickets and would like to put together a date nite basket or if someone has any other suggestions it would be appreciated. (I am not that creative with the exception of baking, I love to bake) We will also need more donation for the baskets. If you can come up with something, (we all have new unuesed stuff hanging about) please bring it to the practice on Wednesday and I will put them together with a theme. It doesn't have to be anything big! Lots of little things do well if we can present them well. We need to have the baskets put together beautifully by Thanksgiving day.

Thanks to Mr Roy and his companies

Deb Coolidge over 1 year ago

Coach Wood was wanting to celebrate a short handed goal with the kids and we need a someone to host. We will get all the fixins for a pizza party. If someone can volunteer their family room it would be appreciated. Please give a day and time. Thank you