Good Morning!

Pizza Party!
Coach Wood and Coach Carey would like to have a pizza party for the kids to celebrate a short handed goal last weekend. If someone can volunteer their family room for this event it would be appreciated.

Tukey Shootout...
We are needing to put together a couple of baskets for the silent auction at the Turkey Shoutout. I still have the movie tickets and would like to put together a date nite basket or if someone has any other suggestions it would be appreciated. (I am not that creative with the exception of baking, I love to bake) We will also need more donation for the baskets. If you can come up with something, (we all have new unuesed stuff hanging about) please bring it to the practice on Wednesday and I will put them together with a theme. It doesn't have to be anything big! Lots of little things do well if we can present them well. We need to have the baskets put together beautifully by Thanksgiving day.

Thanks to Mr Roy and his companies donation, we will not have to come up with any money for the Turkey Shoot. There are other tournaments that we will have to think about that we may have to pay for if there are no more donations. I have a couple of applications into some companies and am hopeful.

I have not heard where state will be held, as soon as I know I will call and get a block of twenty five rooms held for us at a local hotel. They are waiting for an association to take on this responsibility, if you hear of anything before I do please let me know. I will confirm and get this done.

Game Saturday.
I have to work on Saturday so Sean has stepped up to manage that day. If a parent is not there he will have the bag in it is a copy of the consent to treat (hopefully we will not need this) and the accoutrements of the manager.

Briscoe, Roy and Kowatch are next on the list for Clock, Scoresheet and penalty box respectively.

Lots to think about... LOOKING forward to hearing from you either at the rink, Sports engine chat, text or email.

Deb Coolidge (Team Mom)

PS SE has not given me permission to post stats so will just post the gamesheets in the CHAT on SE.